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The purpose of this forum is to allow G & A fans worldwide to stay in contact with each other, to stay on top of G & A news, and to share your stories. In order to protect our users and the forum from spam, you will be required to register and login in order to post to the forum. However, you may subscribe and / or browse all forum posts without registering.

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News & Events category

  • "Devil in Deerskins" to be republished by University o

    In April 2014, the University of Manitoba Press will be republishing a critical edition of Anahareo's bestselling 1972 book, "Devil in Deerskins: My Life with Grey Owl," which tells the story of her marriage to Grey Owl, their extensive travels through the bush, and their work towards environmental and wildlife protection.

Category Descriptions

News & Events: Share news or information about upcoming events related to the Grey Owl and Anahareo. Please be considerate of fellow forum users and refrain from posting advertisements for for-profit businesses.

Our Stories: Share your story about Grey Owl or Anahareo, whether you knew them or whether they just touched your lives.

Buy, Sell, Trade & Find: Seek or offer difficult-to-find items related to Grey Owl and Anahareo. The forum is only intended to bring interested parties together, and we do not guarantee or verify the authenticity of any item, buyer or seller. Users should note that all transactions are undertaken at their own risk. It is further recommended that any transaction be completed through an established and reputable online exchange forum.