Her People
A record of the people connected to Anahareo, by blood or by choice.
Death and Burial Records
Registrations of deaths in Ontario began and 1869 and records are maintained by the Office of the Registrar General. These records are transferred to the Archives of Ontario, where they are microfilmed. Records generally become available to the public approximately 75 years after the date of death.
Historically, the individual religious denominations within each province kept detailed records on its parishioners, including burials. The Roman Catholic Church maintains a regional archive system, the holdings of which go back to the date each Diocese was formed.
• François Papineau • Jean Anenharison Nelson • Ignace Bernard • Marie Louise Bernard • Mary Nash Ockiping
• Mary Ann Bernard • Angelique Ockiping • Catherine Papineau • Natalie Murphy • Elizabeth Decaire
François Papineau -- July 20, 1854
According to the historical record, Anahareo's Great Grandfather François Kaondinaketch Papineau, Grand Chief of the Nipissing, passed away in July of 1854. The burial record for Papineau reads as follows:
"Le vingt et un juillet mil huit cent cinquante quatre, par nous prêtre soussigné a été inhumé François Papineau, décédé la veille agé de quarante sept ans, grand-chef des Nipissingues de cette mission. Présents Paul Oka et Jean Baptiste [...] qui n'ont su signer"
Translation: "On the twenty-first of July, 1854, we the undersigned priest buried François Papineau, who died yesterday at the age of forty-seven years, Grand Chief of the Nipissing of this mission. Present were Paul Oka and Jean Baptiste [...] who didn't know how to sign their names."
Jean Baptiste Anenharison (Nelson) -- July 3, 1856
According to the historical record, Anahareo's Great Grandfather Jean Baptiste Anenharison (spelled Anenharishon), Chief of the Iroquois, passed away in July of 1856. The burial record for Papineau reads as follows:
"Le trois juillet mil huit cent cinquante six, par nous prêtre soussigné, a été inhumé Jean Baptiste Anenharison, chef iroquois de cette mission, décedé la veille, âgé de soixante ans. Présents Pierre Octsitesearon et Paul Cimagenic qui ont déclaré ne savoir signer"
Translation: "The third of July 1856, by us the undersigned priest, was buried Jean Baptiste Anenharison, Chief Iroquois of this mission, deceased yesterday, age sixty years. Present were Pierre Octsitesearon and Paul Cimagenic, who claimed not to know how to sign."
Ignace Bernard -- June 4, 1897
According to the historical record, Anahareo's Uncle Ignace (Angus), a hunter, passed away in June of 1897. The cause of death recorded on the civil registration document (top image) was unknown.
The burial record (bottom image) for Ignace reads as follows:
"Le 4 Juin 1897, nous prêtre soussigné avons inhumé dans le cimitière de cette paroisse le corps de Ignace Bernard Narisson, fils de Jean Bernard Narisson et de Marie Catherine Papineau de cette ville, décédé l'avant veille à l'age de 39 ans et 5 mois. Étaient présents George Turpin, John [...], Angus McGregor, Paul Bernard, Matt Bernard, Hyacinth Mezuki, P.E. Gendreau, OMI."
Translation: "On June 4, 1897, we the undersigned priest interred in the parish cemetery the body of Ignace Bernard Narisson, son of Jean Bernard Narisson and of Marie Catherine Papineau of this town, deceased days before at the age of 39 years and 5 months. The following were present: George Turpin, John [...], Angus McGregor, Paul Bernard, Matt Bernard, Hyacinth Mezuki, P. E. Gendreau, OMI."
Given the imprecise date of death and unknown cause, it is possible that Ignace died as the result of a logging or hunting accident.
Mary Louise Bernard -- December 17, 1902
According to the historical record, Anahareo's eldest sister passed away on December 17, 1902, four years before Anahareo's birth. The cause of death recorded on the civil registration document (top image) was hemorrhage.
The burial record (bottom image) for Mary Louise reads as follows:
"Le dix-neuf Decembre, mil neuf cent deux, nous, prêtre soussigné, avons inhumé dans le cimitière de cette paroisse le corps de Marie L. Catherine, enfant de Mathieu Bernard Narisson et de Mary Nash, de cette paroisse, décédée le dix sept du courant à l'age de cinq ans. Étaient présent Mathieu B. Narisson, J. Enright et autres.
P. M. O. Cornellier, OMI"
Translation: "On the 19th of December, 1902, we the undersigned priest interred in the parish cemetery the body of Marie L. Catherine, child of Mathieu Bernard Narisson and Mary Nash, of this parish, deceased the 17th of this month at the age of 5 years. The following were present: Mathieu B. Narisson, J. Enright and others.
P. M. O. Cornellier, OMI"
Mary Nash Ockiping -- November 16, 1911
According to the historical record, Anahareo's mother passed away on November 16, 1911. The cause of death recorded on the civil registration document (top image) was consumption, or pulmonary tuberculosis.
The burial record (bottom image) for Anahareo's mother reads as follows:
"Le dix-huit Novembre, mil neuf cent onze, nous, prêtre soussigné, avons inhumé dans le cimitière de cette paroisse le corps de Mary Nash, épouse de Mathieu Bernard, décédée le seize du courant à l'age de trente-six ans. Étaient présents François Lafrance et Georges Morissette.
G. Lemoine, Prêtre, OMI"
Translation: "On the 18th of November, 1911, we the undersigned priest interred in the parish cemetery the body of Mary Nash, wife of Mathieu Bernard, deceased the 16th of this month at the age of 36 years. The following were present: François Lafrance and Georges Morissette.
G. Lemoine, Priest, OMI"
Mary Ann Bernard -- June 29, 1915
According to the historical record, Anahareo's Aunt Mary Ann, a housewife, passed away on June 29, 1915. The cause of death recorded on the civil registration document (top image) was exhaustion caused by tuberculosis, from which she had suffered for two years.
The burial record (bottom image) for Mary Ann reads as follows:
"Le premier Juillet, mil neuf cent quinze, nous, prêtre soussigné, avons inhumé dans la cimitière de cette paroisse le corps de Marie Anne Bernard, épouse de Charles Langlois, décédé le 29 Juin dernier à l'age de trente-neuf ans. Étaient présents Georges Morissette et Thomas Colborne.
O. Fr. Paquette, OMI"
Translation: On the first of July, 1915, we the undersigned priest interred in the parish cemetery the body of Marie Anne Bernard, wife of Charles Langlois, deceased the 29th of June at the age of 39 years. The following were present: Georges Morissette and Thomas Colborne.
O. Fr. Paquette, OMI"
Catherine Angeliqe Ockiping (Benoit) -- November 26, 1922
According to the historical record, Anahareo's maternal grandmother passed away in Papineau, Ontario, on November 26, 1922. The cause of death on the registration form (top image) was noted as endocarditis (inflammation of the heart) with exhaustion listed as the contributing factor. Angelique's father is listed as John Baptiste, with no further information provided about her parentage.
The burial record (bottom image) for Angelique Ockiping reads as follows:
"This 28th of November 1922, we the undersigned blessed the body of Angelique Baptiste who died the 26th instant aged seventy-three, wife of the late Abraham Benoit. The remains were interred in the cemetery of the parish in presence of Joseph Coleman and William Petran.
Signed, J. J. Hogan, Priest"
William Petran (Petrant) is believed to be Elizabeth (Bernard) Decaire's son-in-law, as identified in the 1911 Census. Joseph Coleman is Angelique's son, and a half-brother of Anahareo's mother.
Of note, the age reported on the official death registration form (77) is slightly different than the age reported on her burial record (73), and the age she would have been at death (76) if the age listed on the 1871 Census was correct. These inconsistencies illustrate some of the difficulties of conducting research using historical documents, given the variety of methods by which information was collected.
Catherine Papineau (Pimatanokse) -- March 7, 1923
According to the historical record, Anahareo's paternal grandmother passed away in Mattawa, Ontario, on March 7, 1923. The cause of death on the registration form (top image) was noted as paralysis with bronchial pneumonia listed as the contributing factor. Catherine's father is listed as Francis Papineau of Oka, Quebec, and her mother's maiden name is given as Robinson.
The burial record (bottom image) for Catherine Papineau reads as follows:
"This 9th of March, 1923, we the undersigned blessed the body of Catherine Papineau, wife of the late Bernard Nelson, who died the 7th instant aged ninety-four years. The remains are interred in presence of Joseph Bastien and William Pertran.
Signed, J. N. Duquette, P.P."
William Petran (Petrant) is believed to be Catherine's daughter Elizabeth's son-in-law, as identified in the 1911 Census. J. N. Duquette is also the priest who presided over Catherine's granddaughter Johanna's wedding a few years earlier.
As with the records for Anahareo's maternal grandmother, the age reported on the official death registration form (95) is slightly different than the age reported on her burial record (94), and the age she would have been at death (90) if the age listed on the 1851 Census was correct. These inconsistencies illustrate some of the difficulties of conducting research using historical documents, given the variety of methods by which information was collected.
Natalie Murphy -- September 7, 1925
Natalie Murphy was Anahareo's niece, and the daughter of her sister Johanna; it was Natalie's death the brought Anahareo home from Camp Wabikon in the Fall of 1925.
According to the historical record, Natalie passed away in Mattawa, Ontario, on September 7, 1925. The cause of death on the registration form (top image) was noted as scarlet fever, with acute nephritis (kidney inflammation) as a contributing factor. Scarlet fever was a major cause of death among children before the discovery of penicillin, three years later; Natalie's illness lasted only fourteen days.
The burial record (bottom image) for Natalie reads as follows:
"This 10th day of September 1925, we the undersigned priest blessed the body of Natalie Murphy, infant daughter age five years of Harry Murphy and Joanna Bernard who died Sept 7 instant. The remains were interred in the cemetery of this parish in the presence of Geo Morissette and others.
L. J. Kennedy, Priest."
Geo Morissette, who was also recorded as being present for several other funerals in this family, is identified as the undertaker on the registration of death.
Elizabeth Bernard (Decaire) -- July 28, 1931
According to the historical record, Anahareo's Aunt Elizabeth passed away in Mattawa, Ontario, on July 28, 1931. The cause of death on the registration form (top image) was noted as apoplexy (a form of internal bleeding), which had lasted six days. Elizabeth's father is listed as Bernard Nelson and her mother as Kate Papineau. The informant for the registration form was Joseph Coleman, who is recorded as being Elizabeth's son-in-law.
The burial record (bottom image) for Elizabeth reads as follows:
"This 30th of July 1931, we the undersigned blessed the body of Elizabeth Bernard, wife of the late L. Decaire. who died the 28th, aged 84 years. The remains were interred in the presence of Joseph Coleman and John Decaire.
Rev. J. N. Duquette, P.P."
Joseph Coleman is also listed as a "son" on the death registration form for Angelique Ockiping, Elizabeth's brother Matthew's mother-in-law; as such, his exact relationship status to Elizabeth is unknown. John Decaire is Elizabeth's son, as listed on the 1921 Census.