Her People
A record of the people connected to Anahareo, by blood or by choice.
1871 Census of Canada
According to Library and Archives Canada, the 1871 Census officially began on April 2, 1871. Census data was collected in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec. Nine documents, or schedules, were used to collect the information and, with a few exceptions, most schedules have been preserved. Paper records were microfilmed in 1967, and then again in 1975.
François Family Census
In the image at left taken from the 1871 Census, Anahareo's maternal grandfather, Michael Franswa (Michael François), a 32-year-old hunter and fisherman, is listed above his wife, Catherine Franswa (Angelique Ockiping) (25). Below the two is a child, Mary Franswa, age 7; given the approximate birth year of 1864, however, this is not likely the Mary who became Anahareo's mother. Rather, it is likely a daughter who did not survive past childhood.
In the same household are listed Michael Pesinwatch, age 77, and Angeline Pesinwatch, age 70. These are believed to be Catherine's father and mother, respectively -- and therefore Anahareo's maternal great-grandfather and great-grandmother. Michael Pesinwatch appears to be identified in historical documents (dated 1827) as having been an Algonquin war chief.
Of interest, within this household, it is recorded that Catherine Franswa was literate, a skill that was not common in her generation.